1. Key facts of the case
The accused, Kleanthis Konstantinoudis (hereafter K.K.), aged 60, is a teaching professor at the Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Serres (a town in Northern Greece) at the Department of Management and Accounting responsible for 6 lessons. He also has a private accounting office in Thessaloniki where his permanent address is.
At the beginning of 2018 a complaint was submitted to the Ombudsman and was forwarded to the Ministry of Education. According to the Ombudsman’s document, students either gave money to K.K. in order to pass the lessons or were forced to follow practice in certain accounting offices without remuneration (Star.gr, 1/8/2019, “The professor of TEI of Serres was released 10 months after his arrest“). On February 2018 the competent department of the Ministry of Education forwarded the above document to the TEI of Serres and the competent prosecutor. The prosecutor ex oficcio ordered the Department of Internal Affairs of the Hellenic Police to investigate the case. On May 2018 the police started collecting evidence from the TEI of Serres and they set up an operation to apprehend the suspects. Apart from K.K. there were two more suspects investigated by the police. The owners of a private school for students (frontistirio) where students were taking classes to pass the lessons of the TEI: Georgios Mokkas and Evaggelia Milofski. According to the police investigation it seemed that the money was paid at the frontistirio for classes the students never took and then K.K. was informed to give them a pass grade at the exams. The tariff for each lesson was from 250 to 400 euro. In order to apprehend the suspects ‘in the act’, the police “incorruptible” marked the banknotes and a student paid Giorgos Mokkas for lessons he never took at the frontistirio.
Immediately the owners of the frontistirio and K.K. were arrested; in their possession was found 178.000 euro cash and 140.000 euro in remittances in countries abroad. The prosecutor pressed charges for felonies (Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“).
In Greece when you give money to a public official in order to have some gain, the expression is used that you give “a small envelope” (where you place the money), which in Greek is called “fakelaki”. This is where the nickname “professor fakelakis” came from. From the day of his arrest this has been nearly the only name that is used by the media to refer to K.K.
2. Applicable law
The offences for which criminal proceedings against K.K. were instigated are a) passive bribery of a public servant by profession (art. 235 Penal Code, PC) and b) extortion by profession (art. 385 PC).
Punishment for passive bribery by profession is imprisonment up to 10 years and monetary sentence of 10.000 to 100.000 euro (art. 235 para 1 PC). If the offender is convicted for the aggravated circumstance of para 2 art. 235 PC (the act was against his/her duties) then the punishment is imprisonment of up to 15 years and monetary sentence of 15.000 to 150.000 euro.
For extortion by profession the punishment is imprisonment up to 10 years (art. 385 PC).
One of the offenders was apprehended ‘in the act’ but since the offences were felonies the procedure followed is the main investigation. Following the prosecution of K.K. by the public prosecutor of Serres, the case file was forwarded to the investigating judge for a full investigation of the case for all three offenders (art. 246 Code of Penal Procedure, CPP).
In parallel to the penal procedure the law provides for disciplinary punishment in case the offender holds public office or is a civil servant. As teachers at tertiary education in Greece are permanent public servants, the TEI of Serres had the competence to initiate disciplinary proceedings as it actually did (see below under section 3).
3. Criminal proceedings
At the beginning of 2018 the Ombudsman forwarded a complaint against K.K., which students of TEI of Serres had submitted in November 2017, to the Ministry of Education. The competent department of the Ministry on February 2018 sent the complaint to the TEI and the competent prosecutor of Serres. The prosecutor ex officio ordered the Department of Internal Affairs of the Hellenic Police to investigate the case (anexartitos.gr, 3/10/2018, “Who were ‘feeding’ the professor accused of ‘taking money’ at the TEI of Serres?“. NEWSIT, 3/10/2018, Theodosis Panou, “The passionate ‘professor fakelakis’ with the wig! Unbelievable complaints about his actions at the TEI of Serres“, Star.gr, 1/8/2019, “The professor of TEI of Serres was released 10 months after his arrest“).
The police investigation with the supervision of the prosecutor was initiated on May 2018. Collection of evidence started from the TEI of Serres. After 5 months the police set up an operation to apprehend the suspects, with the cooperation of a student: the “incorruptible” marked the banknotes and the student gave it to Giorgos Mokkas for lessons at the frontistirio he never took. The police arrested Giorgos Mokkas ‘in the act’ on 1 October 2018 and at the same day K.K. and the third suspects were arrested. In the searches that followed in the houses, offices etc of the suspects the police seized and confiscated 178.000 euro cash, 15 bank deposit booklets and remittances and transference of 140.000 euro to a foreign bank, 15 mobile phones, personal computers, discs and portable data storage units (Press release by the Police reproduced in Newsbomb, 2/10/2018, “Professor at TEI of Serres was asking for ‘mizes’ (money) and sex to give pass grade to the students at the exams“).
The next day K.K. and his alleged accomplices were brought in front of the prosecutor who initiated criminal proceedings and pressed charges against all 3 suspects as mentioned above. Subsequently the case file was forwarded to the investigating judge for the initiation of the main investigation (art. 246 CPP).
Following the apology of K.K. at the investigating judge which was scheduled for 5 October 2018, he was remanded in custody by order of the investigating judge with the agreement of the prosecutor.
After his pre-trial imprisonment at Nigrita Prison, K.K. appointed on 8/10/2018 legal counsel Mr. Alexis Kougias, a well known Athenian criminal lawyer who is also well familiarised with the media and publicity. On the same day Mr. Kougias issued a press release giving information about the line of defence (see below section 4).
On 18/12/2018 K.K. applied to the investigating judge of Serres for the repeal of pre-trial detention or its substitution with restrictive conditions (Art. 286 CCP). His application was rejected.
The defendant appealed against the decision of the investigating judge not to repeal or substitute remand detention to the Judicial Council of Appeal at Thessaloniki. The Council granted his release on 1/8/2019 after 10 months of pre-trial detention at Nigrita Prison.
The case file is still at the investigating judge and the investigation is pending until today (Anexartitos, 24/1/2020, “Disciplinary proceedings: Towards a permanent dismissal professor “Fakelakis” – The outcomes of the sworn administrative procedure (EDE) are also pending“).
Disciplinary proceedings
Following K.K.’s prosecution, the Senate of the TEI of Central Macedonia decided to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the professor. A decision was also taken to give beforehand the Senate’s assent to the Ministry of Education for him to abstain from his lessons until the final penal court decision. Finally the Senate decided that the educational institution will be present at the trial as civil plaintiff in order to restore the moral damage that the institution had suffered.
(TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “Unanimous decision by the Senate. Disciplinary prosecution against the professor of the TEI of Serres“).
The then Minister of Education Kostas Gavroglou by his decision put professor K.K. in temporary abstinence from his academic duties and forwarded the case to the Disciplinary Council for a final decision. The Council decided the permanent abstinence and the definite dismissal of professor K.K. and forwarded the case to the Minister of Education Niki Kerameos for the issuing of the final decision. It is expected that the professor will exhaust all available legal remedies and first of all will file a petition to the Council of State for judicial review and annulment of the decision of the Minister. It is also expected that the Council of State will grant a temporary suspension of the effects of the decision and therefore he will be entitled to 50% of his salary until the final adjudication of the court and wait for the termination of the penal trial (SerraikaNea.gr, 18/10/2020, “Definite dismissal of professor ‘fakelakis’ of the former TEI of Serres”, Anexartitos, 24/1/2020, “Disciplinary proceedings: Towards a permanent dismissal professor “Fakelakis” – The outcomes of the sworn administrative procedure (EDE) are also pending“).
4. Disclosure of information
By the prosecutor
By order of the prosecutor of Serres, the name and pictures of the suspect and his alleged accomplices, owners of the frontistirio, were made public and published in the media: Kleanthis Konstantinoudis, 60 years old accounting professor, Georgios Mokkas aged 59 and Evaggelia Miloftsi aged 50 frontistirio owners.
This exception to the general confidentiality rules and the official disclosure of personal data in the course of criminal proceedings is provided in Law no. 2472/1997 (A’ 50), art. 2 b’ it. 2 and art. 3 para 2 it. b’. These provisions were maintained following the introduction of Law no. 4624/2019 (A’ 137), which enacted the application of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Art. 2 b’ it. 2 provide that “Specifically, personal data related to criminal prosecutions or convictions may be publicized by order of the competent prosecutor, only for the crimes listed in art. 3 para 2 it. 2. The publication of this data must serve the protection of the public, minors, vulnerable or underprivileged social groups and be conducive to facilitating the State’s prerogative to punish crime”. The order must be fully and specifically reasoned, and specify the manner and duration for which the data is rendered available to the public.
The publication of personal data by order of the prosecutor is provided according to art. 3 para 2 it. b’ “for offences punished as felonies or misdemeanors committed with deceit and particularly crimes against life, against sexual liberty or for the financial exploitation of sexual services, against property and property rights, offences provided in the law on drugs, intrigue of public order and crimes against minor victims.”
K.K.’s lawyer submitted an application for the annulment of this decision to the prosecutor of the court of Appeal of Thessaloniki. The main argument was that the decision was legally flawed because the crime of bribery by a civil servant is not listed in the offences that may justify disclosure of personal information according to art. 3 para 2 it. 2, Law no. 2472/1997.
The prosecutor of the Appeal Court rejected the appeal and issued Opinion 1/2018, according to which: in this specific case students and degree holders who underwent similar behavior by the defendant and his direct accomplices, when they saw their names and photos in the media, came forward to the Internal Affairs Division to testify against the defendants. These people would not come forward to testify if they didn’t see the names and photos of the defendants in the media, because they would be afraid of being entangled in lengthy court procedures. Accordingly, the prosecutor decided that the publication of personal data is legal even for crimes that are not listed in the above provision, especially in cases that are of public interest and have great social demerit in all spheres of public life, like education, health, justice, politics, and cultural life.
(Dimokratia, 9/10/2018, “Kougias, “Fakelaki”‘s advocate, is now speaking about scenaria“, Elefthero Vima Efimerida ton Serron, 22/11/2018, “Legal the photo of professor fakelaki – Kougias lost in court“).
By the police
The police, as is usual in important cases, issued a press release on the day of the arrest of the three suspects (1/10/2018). The release reports that the investigation was under the responsibility of the Internal Affairs Division. According to the evidence the three suspects were acting as a criminal group and aimed at extorting sums of money from students who were graded by the professor as failing in their exams. The exchanges for passing the exam lessons was to either do their practice in a certain accounting office without remuneration or the covered payment of money for supposedly participating in lessons at the frontistirio of the two suspects. The report also mentions that one owner of the frontistirio was apprehended ‘in the act’ and at the same day professor K.K. and the second owner of the frontistirio were arrested. Finally, the evidence confiscated from the searches in houses and offices are listed in the report.
(Press release by the Police reproduced in Newsbomb, 2/10/2018, “Professor at TEI of Serres was asking for ‘mizes’ (money) and sex to give pass grade to the students at the exams“).
By the defense lawyer
On 8/10/2018 defence lawyer Alexis Kougias issued and distributed to the media an announcement where he refers to the case, the personal profile of K.K., the publication of personal data and the charges against his client professor K.K. The announcement mentions that the case was assigned to the law office one week after the arrest of K.K. and following his imprisonment on remand. Some personal information is disclosed: that K.K. was happily married for forty years and has 3 children; one son is an accountant with his own family, one is psychologist and his daughter is student at the Department of Computer Sciences in Thessaloniki. K.K. is presented as a man with many degrees, PhD candidate, speaking 3 languages, with publications in at least 20 international financial journals and with teaching experience as a visiting professor in at least 20 universities abroad.
According to the defence announcement there are two persons from the TEI of Serres that are involved in the case and that this evidence will be produced during the criminal proceedings. Finally it is emphasized that professor K.K. has been suffering extreme defamation and humiliation by the media in the last week (after his arrest). And that his name and photographs were illegally published in the media since he was not irrevocably convicted and the law doesn’t provide for the disclosure of personal information for the crimes for which K.K. is charged.
(Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor “fakelaki”: Publication of his data was illegal”, Newsroom iefimerida.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor ‘fakelaki’: Two people from TEI Serron are hiding behind the case“).
Following the decision of the Judicial Council of Appeal to repeal the decision to impose remand detention and the release of professor K.K., Kougias gave a statement to the media saying that he didn’t expect all the media with very few exceptions to treat such an accomplished man as an irrevocably convicted felon. He also said that in our country the presumption of innocence had been practically abolished for all Greek citizens but it is only active for politicians with the support of members of Parliament, party leaders and the friendly to them media that rush for their support and defence. Young prosecutors and investigating judges are terrorised by the negative publicity and make unjust decisions for the pre-trial detention of Greek citizens. But when the judicial councils or the courts come to acquit those unlawfully detained, no one reports it because only negative media stories sell. Finally he stated that he did not know what will happen with the professor’s case but that he is thinking the moment that someone is acquitted after he has been destroyed by the media and the remedies one has against the media to be compensated. And he called the journalists to read the huge case file and then write their opinion even if it is a conviction.
(News247, 2/9/2019, “Kougias against the media in view of the release of the professor from Serres”.)
By the TEI of Central Macedonia
Following K.K.’s prosecution, the Senate of the TEI of Central Macedonia decided to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the professor. A decision was also taken to give beforehand the Senate’s assent to the Ministry of Education for him to abstain from his lessons until the final penal court decision. Finally the Senate decided that the educational institution will be present in the trial as civil plaintiff in order to restore the moral damage that the institution has suffered.
(TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “Unanimous decision by the Senate. Disciplinary prosecution against the professor of the TEI of Serres“).
On 1/11/2018 the Department of Accounting and Finance announced that following a unanimous decision by the Senate of the Institution (TEI of Central Macedonia), all exams June-September 2018 were cancelled in all 6 lessons for which responsible teacher was K.K. whose trial is pending.
(To Vima, 2/11/2018, “The exams at TEI Serron were cancelled, due to professor “Fakelakis“”, TA NEA, 2/11/2018, “They cancel the exams at the lessons of professon “Fakelakis“, Iefimerida, 1/11/2018, “TEI of Serres: The Senate cancels the exams at the lessons of professor fakelaki”).
5. Media coverage
The interest of the media for the case of K.K. has been strong. Corruption of politicians and public officials is relatively high in the country, while investigation levels are quite low. Accordingly, there is anger and strong public sentiments around these crimes. Moreover, across all length of the hierarchy of civil servants, passive bribery of small – or not so small – amounts of money, is traditionally rather usual (what in Greek is called ‘fakelaki’), although these behaviours are slowly starting to change. As these phenomena are persistent throughout the public sphere, there is high interest for these cases and reporting in the media is continuous.
From the day of the arrest of K.K. the media reported a bulk of information: first of all the visual material that was disclosed by the prosecutor was reproduced constantly in the press and TV and is still available on the internet (see above under section 4). Details from the police investigation, parts of K.K. apology, previous complaints that dated back 28 years were reported. Along with the old complaints a lot of new stories by students from the TEI of Serres were published without being clear whether they form part of the case file. Finally, colleague professors and especially the Dean of the TEI of Serres came forward and made public statements. Two months later, K.K.’s claims on his appeal against the continuation of the remand detention were also widely reproduced by the media and his defence lawyer made extensive use of his access to publicity in order to make the defence claims heard and reverse the public climate against the professor.
As regards the police investigation, it is reported that 20 digital discs and 190 transcription reports were collected as evidence by the Internal Affairs Division. According to the reports, this material contains discussions between the professor and the owners of the frontistirio and it is said to be part of the case file. It is further reported that they had set up a bribery industry and students had to pay over 250 euro to pass a lesson. The case file is said to be over 600 pages (Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“).
Other media reported that 2.500 answer sheets from the exam period June – September 2018 were confiscated by the police. According to the media reports most of them were plane white and were given a 6 (pass grade) (To Vima, 2/11/2018, “The exams at TEI Serron were cancelled, due to professor ‘Fakelakis’“, TA NEA, 2/11/2018, “They cancel the exams at the lessons of professon “Fakelakis“).
Phone dialogues that were said to be recorded by the police in the course of the investigation were publicized in the media. In these dialogues the professor is talking to female students asking them out. Conversations also with the co-owners of the frontistirio were made public, where they are talking about a lot of money that they shouldn’t keep at the frontistirio (To Pontiki web, 8/10/2018, “The dirty dialogues of professor “Fakelakis“).
Parts of K.K.’s apology was publicised in national press (newspaper Sunday Realnews) and reproduced widely in the local, national press, TV and the digital media.
The accused professor refers to the case file as arbitrary that reaches the borders of forged. He says that all charges are based on unproven and arbitrary charges which stemmed from the fact that he is a strict professor. In relation to the rumours for sexual harassment against female students he refuses the act. He said that during his academic career he developed personal relationships with some students as it often happens. This intimacy from both sides may have been misinterpreted or misunderstood. As the defendant said from what he can recall never a student came to him in order either to recommend a frontistirio or to let the professor know that he is following classes in one.
(News247, 14/10/2018, “‘Professor fakelaki’ confession: Intimacy with the students was misinterpreted”, Sunday Realnews, A. Kandyli and N. Tsilipoudinaki, 14/10/2018, “Intimacy with students was misunderstood”, CNN, 14/10/2018, “Intimacy with the students was misunderstood’ says in his apology professor ‘fakelakis‘).
According to another series of media reports publicized immediately after K.K.’s arrest, complaints against the professor were made many times in the past. It is reported that nearly 30 years ago when he was working as a teaching professor at the TEI of Thessalonikis, he was offering practice placements at his private accounting office to three female students. The 3 students filed complaints to the authorities of the Institution for inappropriate and indecent behaviour of K.K. during their practice. That he blackmailed them in order to work longer hours and to work at his businesses in Chalkidiki or else they would not graduate from the school. They also complained that he made sexual proposals that he would propose older men for them to date, in order to have a rich and comfortable life. The authorities of the Institution attempted to terminate their cooperation with the professor but he refused to leave his position until his contract expired. Then he started working for the TEI of Serres (Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“, athens magazine, 10/10/2018, “Serres: the ‘sinful’ past of professor ‘Fakelaki’ – New revelations that ‘burn’ him“).
Complaints against professor ‘fakelakis’ were also made 15 years ago by students at the TEI of Serres which were reported and transmitted at the local TV station DIKTYO. This information and the video were now reproduced in the national press and on the internet. In the video students of the TEI of Serres are shown to close the entrance of the institution in order to protest for the behaviour of the professor who, according to the students, was asking from female students to go out with him in order to pass them in his lessons. From male students he called them in his office and asked for money. That incident ended without formal complaints being submitted. There was an informal procedure between K.K. and the students, with the presence of other teaching staff and there was a settlement that this behaviour would stop. On the same video, professor K.K. is denying everything on camera and said that there was no official relevant information forwarded to him by the Institution (Proto Thema, 4/10/2018, “Video: Since 2004 the behaviour of the professor was known to the TEI“, newsroom iefimerida.gr, 4/10/2018 “Professor fakelakis” with the wing – His actions were known since 2004 (video)”.
The first official complaint was made by a co-professor in 2011. He had reported anti-educational behaviour and illegal interference with students’ grading during two exam periods on February 2010. From there on it is reported that a big number of complaints were made by students in a web page. The main complaint was that in order to pass the lessons you had to pay. But no one came forward to make an official complaint. (To Pontiki web, 8/10/2018, “The dirty dialogues of professor “Fakelakis“). One year later, on October 2012, a similar complaint was sent by a student via e-mail to the TEI of Central Macedonia. According to this mail, which was reproduced by the local media after the arrest of K.K., the student complained that he could not pass one lesson that the professor was teaching to get his degree. After many times that he was unsuccessful he gave 1.200 euro to the professor and passed the exams (Elefthero Vima ton Serron, 2/10/2018, “Serres: email of shame for the professor of TEI of Serres on 2012“).
Complaints against the professor were reported on the internet on 2012 and continued until 2015, when anonymous complaints led to a light disciplinary penalty by the President of the TEI of Central Macedonia Dimitris Chasapis (Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“, Lifo, 2/10/2018, “The TEI professor who asked for “fakelakia” had a past – the complaints for sexual exchanges”).
Following K.K.’s arrest a number of students came forward to the media telling their stories. It is reported that there were about 10 more complaints filed by students. It is not clear from the media reports which stories are old and which are new. A general threat was that they did not put forward official complaints because they wanted to get their degree and didn’t believe something would really come out unless there was a complaint by multiple students (TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “TEI of Serres: New shocking complaints for professor Mr. “fakelakis“).
The modus operandi of the defendants is reported by one 20 year old female student as follows: “I knew what was happening so I went straight to the frontistirio took the exam questions and gave 250 euro. They noted my name and informed the professor that I had given the money. This is how they operated.” She also said that she gave the questions to 3 friends of hers the day before the exams. They all wrote the same answers but only she passed the lesson (To Pontiki web, 8/10/2018, “The dirty dialogues of professor “Fakelakis“).
As regards the academic community, the Rector of the TEI of Central Macedonia Dimitris Chasapis made a public statement on 14 October 2018, according to which there were some rumours about K.K.’s behaviour but never enough evidence. He also said that when K.K.’s file came from the TEI of Thessaloniki it “was clean”; and that those complaints in the last years and the formal complaint by a co-professor could not be backed up with the necessary evidence. This is why the cases were not forwarded for further investigation (Sunday Realnews, A. Kandyli and N. Tsilipoudinaki, 14/10/2018, “Intimacy with students was misunderstood”, To Pontiki web, 8/10/2018, “The dirty dialogues of professor “Fakelakis“).
A few days earlier the Rector declared that the presumption of innocence is not active when it comes to academic duties. He said that they consulted the legal counsel at the office of the Minister of Education who agreed on that line. He went on to say that “we ought to protect the academic environment at this moment and not allow to a man who is accused of all this things to upset our institution. First you prove that you are innocent and then you enter the amphitheatre” (TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “TEI of Serres: New shocking complaints for professor Mr. “fakelakis“).
The former Rector of the TEI and Dean of the Department of Management and Accounting, Dimitris Paschaloudis, said to the media that actions were taken in the past. He said that in 2015 the whole department, professors, secretariat and special technical personnel testified to the President of the Court of First Instance of Serres and provided lists of students who were attending the lessons of professor K.K. and their grades, but that they had no follow up information of the investigation. (TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “TEI of Serres: New shocking complaints for professor Mr. “fakelakis“).
The next wave of publicity came when K.K.’s lawyer, Kougias, applied on 18/12/2018 to the judicial council for the repeal of K.K.’s pre-trial detention. His claims on his appeal against the continuation of the remand detention were widely reproduced by the media.
His lawyer said all 15 students witnesses have testify big lies taking advantage of the fact that the institution does not preserve the answer sheets for over a year. But unfortunately for them they refer to periods of exams when it is obvious from the archive of the secretariat that they never took the exam on the specific dates. Finally, he claimed that the tapes with phone conversations do not reveal any evidence against the owners of the frontistirio and that the Internal Affairs Division had in fact constructed the case (Proto thema, Dimitris Popotas and Aria Kalyva, “‘Professor Fakelakis’ requests release – Kougias: “Bubble Richardos type“, TA NEA, 15/10/2018 , “Professor ‘fakelakis’: What he says in his confession about monetary and sexual exchanges“, TA NEA, 23/12/2018, “TEI of Serres: professor “fakelakis” asks for release“).
Quite detailed information about the application for release became public. It was reported that in the 52 pages long application, it is argued that the whole case was a conspiracy of all against the professor in order to put him in jail. The defendant also argued that all charges are the result of misinformation, rumours and perjury of certain witnesses. He also argues that none from the 22 students’ witnesses claims that he approached them at any time and asked for a present to give them a pass mark or that he threatened them that they would not graduate. And that none testified that he had personal knowledge of the professor taking money from a student directly or indirectly through the frontistirio Mokka-Miloftsi. He also says that the witnesses are in fact students who could not pass the exams and that they had not even participated in any of the exam in some cases. As regards the big amount of money found in his possession he said it was income from his son accounting office and that he was about to make a deposit to the bank (Proto thema, Dimitris Popotas and Aria Kalyva, “‘Professor Fakelakis’ requests release – Kougias: “Bubble Richardos type“, Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor “fakelaki”: Publication of his data was illegal”).
The release of K.K. from Nigrita Prison 10 months after his arrest following his application to the Judicial Council, brought the case again at the forefront but was not so widely covered by the media (TA NEA, 1/9/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor ‘fakelakis’ was released”, in.gr, 1/9/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor ‘fakelakis’ was released”, Proto Thema, 1/8/2019, “TEI of Serres scandal: Professor ‘fakelakis’ was released ten months after his arrest”).
6. Impact on the suspect or accused person and on the general public
The suspect of the case K.K. was severely ridiculed and humiliated by the media from the day of his arrest. All news titles addressed him with the insulting nickname “fakelakis”. Following the disclosure of the photographs, the media also referred often to him as “the professor with the wig” which is also highly offensive and overemphasizing on a personal characteristic that is strictly private. Moreover, references to ‘sexual exchanges’ and the scandal of the American producer Weinstein have created the impression that he was also involved in crimes of sexual nature which was not accurate, as he was not prosecuted for any such crime.
Additionally, the force of the media attack on him, especially during the period after his arrest, created a hostile public climate and may have exerted some pressure on the judicial and academic authorities’ early decision making. These early decisions led to K.K.’s pre-trial detention for 10 months and the definite dismissal from his position as professor at the TEI of Serres, long before the trial and his conviction for any of the crimes he is prosecuted for. It is obvious that these consequences, which may have been influenced by the media coverage of the case, had grave negative impact on K.K.’s personal and professional life and the life of his family members.
This case and the arrest of K.K. have produced a “tsounami” of revelations in the local and the academic community both of which seemed quite shocked by the scandal. However, as there are not many secrets in small cities like Serres it seems that there were rumours for many years and not everyone was surprised with the news that saw publicity light. The same is the case with the local academic community as described above (under sections 4 and 5). There were many complaints both unofficial and official in a time span of many years but decisive action was not taken and the competent authorities stood rather as observers to a dysfunctional phenomenon.
As the editor of a local newspaper commented “as for all of us we don’t play saint or … ignorant. We knew and all the society knew. Only we could not prove it… Unfortunately.” (Elefthero Vima ton Serron, 2/10/2018, “Serres: email of shame for the professor of TEI of Serres on 2012“).
Lifo, 2/10/2018, “The TEI professor who asked for “fakelakia” had a past – the complaints for sexual exchanges”.
NEWSIT, 3/10/2018, Theodosis Panou, “The passionate ‘professor fakelakis’ with the wig! Unbelievable complaints about his actions at the TEI of Serres“.
Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“.
Star.gr, 1/8/2019, “The professor of TEI of Serres was released 10 months after his arrest“.
Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor ‘fakelaki’: Publication of his data was illegal.” Newsroom iefimerida.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor ‘fakelaki’: Two people from TEI Serron are hiding behind the case“.
Anexartitos, 24/1/2020, “Disciplinary proceedings: Towards a permanent dismissal professor “Fakelakis” – The outcomes of the sworn administrative procedure (EDE) are also pending“.
Press release by the Police reproduced in Newsbomb, 2/10/2018, “Professor at TEI of Serres was asking for ‘mizes’ (money) and sex to give pass grade to the students at the exams“.
Lifo, 2/10/2018, “The TEI professor who asked for “fakelakia” (money) had a past – the complaints for sexual exchanges”.
anexartitos.gr, 3/10/2018, “Who were ‘feeding’ the professor accused of ‘taking money’ at the TEI of Serres?“.
NEWSIT, 3/10/2018, Theodosis Panou, “The passionate ‘professor fakelakis’ with the wig! Unbelievable complaints about his actions at the TEI of Serres“.
TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “Unanimous decision by the Senate. Disciplinary prosecution against the professor of the TEI of Serres”.
Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor “fakelaki”: Publication of his data was illegal”.
Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig“.
TA NEA, 15/10/2018 , “Professor ‘fakelakis’: What he says in his confession about monetary and sexual exhanges“.
TA NEA, 23/12/2018, “TEI of Serres: professor “fakelakis” asks for release“.
Proto thema, Dimitris Popotas and Aria Kalyva, 23/12/2018 “‘Professor Fakelakis’ requests release – Kougias: “Bubble Richardos type“.
Star.gr, 1/8/2019, “The professor of TEI of Serres was released 10 months after his arrest“.
news 247, 1/8/2019, “Serres: Out of prison “professor Fakelakis” who blackmailed students“. in.gr, 1/8/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor “fakelakis” was released”.
TA NEA, 1/9/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor “fakelakis” released“.
SerraikaNea.gr, 18/10/2020, “Definite dismissal of professor ‘fakelakis’ of the former TEI of Serres”.
Anexartitos, 24/1/2020, “Disciplinary proceedings: Towards a permanent dismissal professor “Fakelakis” – The outcomes of the sworn administrative procedure (EDE) are also pending“.
Press release by the Police reproduced in Newsbomb, 2/10/2018, “Professor at TEI of Serres was asking for ‘mizes’ (money) and sex to give pass grade to the students at the exams“.
TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “Unanimous decision by the Senate. Disciplinary prosecution against the professor of the TEI of Serres“.
Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor “fakelaki”: Publication of his data was illegal”.
Newsroom iefimerida.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor ‘fakelaki’: Two people from TEI Serron are hiding behind the case“.
Dimokratia, 9/10/2018, “Kougias, “Fakelaki”‘s advocate, is now speaking about scenaria“.
Elefthero Vima Efimerida ton Serron, 22/11/2018, “Legal the photo of professor fakelaki – Kougias lost in court“.
Iefimerida, 1/11/2018, “TEI of Serres: The Senate cancels the exams at the lessons of professor fakelaki”.
To Vima, 2/11/2018, “The exams at TEI Serron were cancelled, due to professor ‘Fakelakis’“.
TA NEA, 2/11/2018, “They cancel the exams at the lessons of professon “Fakelakis“.
News247, 2/9/2019, “Kougias against the media in view of the release of the professor from Serres”.
Elefthero Vima ton Serron, 2/10/2018, “Serres: email of shame for the professor of TEI of Serres on 2012”.
Lifo, 2/10/2018, “The TEI professor who asked for “fakelakia” had a past – the complaints for sexual exchanges”.
newsroom iefimerida.gr, 4/10/2018 “Professor fakelakis” with the wing – His actions were known since 2004 (video)”.
Proto Thema, 4/10/2018, “Video: Since 2004 the behaviour of the professor was known to the TEI”.
TA NEA, 4/10/2018, “TEI of Serres: New shocking complaints for professor Mr. ‘fakelakis’”.
To Pontiki web, 8/10/2018, “The dirty dialogues of professor ‘Fakelakis’”.
Aftodioikisi.gr, 8/10/2018 “Kougias for professor “fakelaki”: Publication of his data was illegal”.
Proto thema, Romina Xyda and Katerina Faka, 9/10/2018, “28 years of sexual harassments: the… Weinstein of Serres with the wig”,
athens magazine, 10/10/2018, “Serres: the ‘sinful’ past of professor ‘Fakelaki’ – New revelations that ‘burn’ him”.
Sunday Realnews, A. Kandyli and N. Tsilipoudinaki, 14/10/2018, “Intimacy with students was misunderstood”.
CNN, 14/10/2018, “Intimacy with the students was misunderstood’ says in his apology professor ‘fakelakis’”.
News247, 14/10/2018, “‘Professor fakelaki’ confession: Intimacy with the students was misinterpreted”.
TA NEA, 15/10/2018, “Professor ‘fakelakis’: What he says in his confession about monetary and sexual exchanges.
To Vima, 2/11/2018, “The exams at TEI Serron were cancelled, due to professor ‘Fakelakis’”.
TA NEA, 2/11/2018, “They cancel the exams at the lessons of professon “Fakelakis”.
Proto thema, Dimitris Popotas and Aria Kalyva, 23/12/2018, “‘Professor Fakelakis’ requests release – Kougias: “Bubble Richardos type”.
Proto Thema, 1/8/2019, “TEI of Serres scandal: Professor ‘fakelakis’ was released ten months after his arrest”.
TA NEA, 1/9/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor ‘fakelakis’ was released”.
in.gr, 1/9/2019, “TEI of Serres: professor ‘fakelakis’ was released”.
Star.gr, 1/8/2019, “The professor of TEI of Serres was released 10 months after his arrest“.
Elefthero Vima ton Serron, 2/10/2018, “Serres: email of shame for the professor of TEI of Serres on 2012“.